Toward a peaceful resolution of the battle in Ukraine.
For a peaceful resolution between the two forces involved in the conflict one will have to withdraw. The two being the US and Russia. Ukraine is, unfortunately, only the proxy force, the means for accomplishing US objectives. There can be no ‘winner’ if everyone doesn’t win. There can be no winner if the war widens.
“The US can lose this without batting an eye. The mainstream media will merely stop printing stories about it and everybody will forget the blunder of this administration (not working out a deal with Putin). Us Americans have a short memory. So much always going on in the news that the next story just trumps the one before it. We see so much stupidity from our government that we are used to it. Why do you think so many people voted for an arrogant btard like Trump? Because we were dying for a change/someone not a part of the "Washington Swamp."—a quoted response in RT News to an article discussing possible outcomes of the war.
It is shameful that Western media allows no such discussion.
In regard to the above quote: Russia, on the other hand, cannot afford to lose. For it to lose would mean giving in to pressure from the West — the larger result being that not only would Russia be in danger of losing its national sovereignty but the US would have further advanced its goal of world hegemony.
To have one central power leading humanity would be disastrous —as history might indicate. Past empires have always dissolved…sometimes with far lasting consequences for world civilization. Think of the dark ages following the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, for instance.
I propose that Russia should be allowed to complete its mission in destroying Ukraine’s military and de-nazifying its government without interference. Interference includes not only supplying Ukraine with munitions but also having ultimate control over their use—as is the case currently. Russia would not have felt the need to intervene had the US not put the Nazis in power during the Maidan coup-d’etat. The destruction of the nation of Ukraine has been initiated by the US.
A peaceful resolution of the mess created by the US will only result by that perpetrator discontinuing it’s support. That means, of course, the US discontinuing the supply of arms and targeting assistance to Ukraine.
The people in the US will be better off if the money used to support the war industry is used instead to develop supportive infrastructure and economically beneficial programs for its citizens, and the world will be better off without one-nation assuming world control.